Fidelix FX-3000-X Building Automation System Controller
New Linux-based FX-3000-X offers comprehensive solutions for building technology management, combining flexibility, performance, and ease of use into one powerful package.
This FX-3000-X is a highly versatile central unit for building automation that is freely programmable by the user. It offers communication between devices using Modbus and M-Bus protocols on the serial bus, as well as UDP and TCP protocols over the network. BACnet feature coming up as a software update in June 2025.
User-Friendly and Modern
The built-in web server and modern user interface ensure smooth operation of the device. Additionally, the Fidelix FX-Editor software facilitates quick and efficient implementation and management of customer-specific projects.
Advanced Connectivity Features
The central unit features an integrated 4-port router with WiFi and TOSIBOX® Readiness, which provides a simple and secure way to establish a remote connection to the central unit.
Easy to scale
The central unit can be easily connected to the FdxCompact series modules via the included DIN-rail-mounted T-Bus base connector. The connector provides the modules with operating voltage and the Modbus serial bus.
Thanks to its versatile features, extensive connectivity, and compact size, the FX-3000-X is the ultimate multi-functional tool for building technology management.
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Learn more about the FX-3000-X: Watch the introduction video