Data-based insight into property management.
Flow_how opens up a new pathway to profitability for property owners.
Fidelix Flow_how meets the challenges of modern property ownership by combining smart building automation and machine learning to support responsible and profitable property ownership.





Property owners today struggle with three closely interconnected challenges. Firstly, the demands of building users and requirements for indoor climate and digital services in buildings are constantly rising.
Secondly, the life cycle costs of a building – of which energy accounts for a sizable percentage in Finland’s climate – need to be kept under control. Ideally, all this should be achieved at a sensible level of investment so that future needs can be catered for without requiring massive additional investment.
Fidelix Flow_how was developed with the Fidelix Building Automation System to respond specifically to these three challenges. The aim is to produce buildings with user-oriented digitalization and optimum conditions all the time, without any waste of energy and other resources. And always cost-effectively, too.
Fidelix Flow_how is a software application that relies on machine learning. Easy to use, it helps the user harness the huge volume of data generated by building automation into an easy and illustrative form so that owners and maintenance personnel can rely on it for their decisions. Flow_how help optimize resources, identify risks and anticipate future events.
Just imagine all the things that a building could tell us..
…if only we could understand?

“I’m gasping! I always run out of air on the fourth floor in the afternoon when people crowd in there for meetings from all the other floors.”

“Well, my AC is pumping out heat all the time, and there isn’t even anyone inside!”

“Oh look, it’s that time of year again that I’m being overheated every night.”

“Hmm… I think we could save a pretty penny just by using demand-driven flexibility. I wonder if the owner knows?”
Benefits in a nutshell
Activated data
The platform combines all of the building’s data into an easily manageable and understandable dashboard, helping the user to make the correct calls regarding trends and changes. Continuous process optimisation helps conserve energy and resources.
Automated reporting
Comprehensible and illustrative reports for managers and owners, and complete documentation of actual conditions. Option available for Power BI reporting, and readiness for GRESB reporting.
User comfort
The platform compiles real-time end-user data on a continuous basis. This fosters a knowledge of how occupants experience the conditions within the building, and room conditions can be optimized to provide a more productive workplace environment.
The platform helps recognize needs for proactive maintenance long before any problems appear.
“If used correctly, the data gained from buildings is productive capital.”
A platform solution bringing all the data on a building into one user interface
- smart data management platform
- based on machine learning and a huge body of compiled and analyzed data
- clear, graphical user interface

Profitability from machine learning
Machine learning derives models and searches for patterns in large masses of data. The software helps users make the correct solutions based on prior data and user actions. Flow_how leverages data obtained from a variety of sources.
All the data of the building, in one user interface…

Indoor climate


User experience

Building automation

Vacancy rate


Waste management

…leading to gains in productive capital:
Comprehensible and illustrative reports for managers and owners, and complete documentation of actual conditions. Option available for Power BI reporting, and readiness for GRESB reporting.
Manage and optimize resource use in buildings and in management processes.
Up-to-date information to support decision-making. Clear reports on current conditions.
Two pathways to better productivity: good climate control improves user satisfaction, and optimization brings savings.
From reactivity to proactivity. Proactive maintenance service.

- helps you to avoid surprising costs: forecast problems to prevent surprising faults
- increases safety and reliability
- safeguards the building’s life cycle with regard to the indoor climate
- improves the customer experience and productivity
- makes life easier for property owners
Interested? Contact us and we will tell you more.
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